Welcome! Thank you for visiting.


  • Where’s church this Sunday? if you’re in London, church is at Roding Valley High School, Loughton, IG10 3JA. 11am. Driving? Entrance via Brook Road. Nearest Tube: Loughton. Live stream: youTube.com@EastLondonChurch

    • if you happen to be around Austin, Texas, that’s where we’ll be for the weeks ending Sept 22, 29 and Oct 6.

  • Please feel free to contact me here: tammy@missionstory.com. WhatsApp & Telegram: +38 063 259 1291; UK Mobile: +44 (0)7506 883250. Instagram@tammytaxterfleming.com

  • Go Fund Me page for Grief Recovery Ukraine.

  • When are my next planned Grief Recovery Method® groups?

    • The Grief Recovery Method® ALUMNI only (meaning you have previously done grief recovery with me): planning this for the beginning of 2025

    • The Grief Recovery Method®: Saturdays September 14, 21, 28, October 5, 12, 19, at 4-6pm (16:00- 18:00) GMT+1 (British Summer Time) and November 2, 9, at 4-6pm GMT (UK Standard Time). I may start a second weeknight group later on as the autumn season progresses.


For newcomers, hello and welcome! I’m a sixty-four-year-old American-born woman, recently relocated to London from Ukraine, where I have my daughter and her family, and where I had been based since 2017. On March 2nd of 2023, our daughter and her Ukrainian husband made the decision we had been dreading: time to evacuate. In a matter of minutes we left our home in Kyiv with our daughter, grandson, the clothes on our back and a backpack each, aiming for any train that would take us to safety and out of the increasing danger in our city. Hopefully one day my scattered notes about the details of these and the rest of the life-changing events since the onset of the war between Russia and Ukraine will make it into some kind of sensible order and I’ll feel able to tell the story. For now, I’ll just keep to my goal to introduce myself.

Over 37 years ago, I married a courageous adventurer and biblical theologian, Andy Fleming. We’ve enjoyed a wonderful, rich life so far, raising two children whom we really, really like (and their spouses, too).

We serve together as retired volunteers in Christian ministry; since our move to Ukraine in 2017, we’ve been able to support ourselves in the work that we love and feel called to do.

Home has been Sweden, the USA, the Russian Federation and Russian-speaking churches in other nations, Ukraine, and now, for the third time, the UK. We are proud and grateful to have been welcomed into the congregation of the East London International church of Christ as volunteer ministry assistants for 2023-2024.

Grief Recovery

As an Advanced Grief Recovery Method® Specialist, certified by the Grief Recovery Institute (Hayden, Idaho, USA), I offer people effective grief support in English or Russian, online and in person, one one one and in small groups. In May 2021, thanks to the support and cooperation of the Eurasian Missions Society and the Grief Recovery Institute, together with some amazing professionals in the Russian Federation, after completing the Russian language translation of the bestselling Grief Recovery Handbook (pictured below), we trained 15 native Russian-speaking Grief Recovery Method® Specialists (also pictured below) in four countries and seven cities, spread across 10 time zones across Eastern Europe and Eurasia, including Ukraine. I consider this to be no small miracle, when I think of the timing (we had no idea we would be dealing with the aftermath of a global pandemic when we embarked upon this project; and I, for one, could not imagine in my wildest dreams that Russia and Ukraine would be at war, even when we were standing on the brink. Add to that the exceptionally gifted individuals that were somehow drawn to my earliest grief recovery groups and online sessions, and all I can say is, God opened wide doors and gates for us.

We have just completed the English-to-Ukrainian translation of The Grief Recovery Handbook, including its corresponding eight-session program scripts for GRM® Specialists, and are about to go to press. Many GRM® Specialists and our friends and family have already donated to our GoFundMe campaign to fund this effort. From the bottom of my heart — if you have donated, or if you plan to, thank you so much for your valuable and generous help at this traumatic time for so many.

Click here if you’re interested in the how and why I chose to become involved in grief work in the first place. You can also just scroll further down the page here to access these features. Or browse the Blogs.

Photo immediately below: the 17 Ukrainian and Russian native Grief Recovery Method® Specialists, at our online training in 2021 with Ed Owens and Mike Wadel, of the Grief Recovery Institute, with Alexander (Nightingale) Solovyov who, along with newly trained Specialists Gena Gurinovich and Olga Yaroshchuk, expertly and graciously worked extremely hard to provide simultaneous translation for our four-day foundational GRM® Specialist certification.


In 2020, my first solo published work debuted, thanks to Illumination Publishers. It’s a collection of personal devotional times spent with God, dedicated to the women of the Birmingham and UK churches. I wrote it not with a thought of turning it into a book, but first and foremost because I felt the need to deepen my own relationship with God. Later on, it seemed like a good way to connect with the women in my life and other believers around me who were wanting to read one book of the Bible and get something practical out of it. You can order it here in print, and here as an e-book.

Currently I’m working on a children’s book with my friend, Matina Montes. It’s a work of theological fiction for preteens (think: Chronicles of Narnia meets Charlotte’s Web). It’s a prequel to the gospels — the backstory of the rooster who crowed for the Peter the fisherman the night that he denied Jesus. We are both very excited about it and hope it will be done this year.

I volunteer as the editor of an international women’s website, www.womentoday.international, where I have the privilege to work with a dynamic and diverse group of women from every continent. I hope you’ll visit the site and hear a few of their inspiring voices.

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If you’d like to connect for any reason, I’d love to hear from you.

E mail: tammy@missionstory.com

Instagram@_tammyfleming_ (English and Ukrainian)

Instagram@tammytaxterfleming (English)


Words of God, Works of God; together with Lynne Green, Seattle, May 2023. A light journey through the verses in the Scriptures pertaining to women, intended as a very basic introduction, overview or review, not an examination of controversial passages.

Grief and Lament; my take on the biblical path to spiritual and emotional healing. This is from a talk given at the Tallinn (Estonia) Teaching Ministry Conference in 2023 and begins at about 1:55:00 in this youTube clip.


Contact me here: tammy@missionstory.com




Click here to read a bit about my story --

beginning with the flags of my family 











Grief Recovery 

Have you,  or someone you love, ever suffered from a broken heart? There are so many different kinds of losses, as we go through life, that can leave us feeling sad, distracted, or confused. You are not alone.

In 2017 I was trained as a Grief Recovery Method® Specialist. You can read about my own personal history with Grief Recovery here;

or click here to visit the home page for the Grief Recovery Institute®